Our mission is to build the Kingdom of God through revelatory teaching of the Apostolic Ministries. Our mandate is to empower individuals on a local, national and global level as they pursue their God-given destiny and purpose.


Our vision is to build an expanding global network of like-minded apostles and prophets, and the churches, organizations and ministries that they lead, in covenant partnership and relating together under the leadership and apostolic oversight of Apostle Beatrice M. Sims.


ETM is a worldwide cooperative of fellowships that advocate preaching and teaching the uncompromised Word of God as contained in the Bible. It is not a denominational or sectarian affiliation, but a voluntary cooperation of ministries. It was organized in 1987 by the late Apostle Joseph L. Sims for the purpose of helping new and struggling churches receive quality training and guidance.


Riverside Peacemakers Ministries was establish in the year 1993 under the leadership of Apostle Joseph L Sims and Apostle Beatrice Sims of Riverside Faith Temple Ministries.


``Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.`` (2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV)

We appreciate your generosity to continue to spread the Gospel around the world. As these funds are used solely for this ministry, we encourage you to continue to send your tithe to your local church and to support this ministry through your offerings as the Lord leads you.


End-Time Ministries, International (ETM) affiliates are existing churches that have committed to an official relationship with ETM. They are aligned with the same vision, mission, and strategy as our global churches. If you are a Pastor and are interested in becoming an affiliate, download the Application for Affiliation at the link below.


As a result of our love for Christ, we continually choose and commit, to strive for unity in the body of Christ. We desire to see Him reflected in every thing that we do. The Clarion newsletter strives to provide the best content for sharing the Word of God as a teaching, educational, and spiritual-minded representation of Christ.


End-Times Ministries exists to provide services to its member churches to enhance their effectiveness. Everything ETM does is for the benefit of member churches, to assist them in achieving their optimum potential for Kingdom building. Since the level and quality of services we can provide are commensurate with our financial support.

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